How many degrees in the microwave

Microwave ovens have already entered our lives and it is now difficult to imagine a typical day without heating the food in this box. The device has existed for more than half a century. And all this time his work is accompanied by legends. You can still hear fears that the microwave is harmful. Tales of dangerous waves and heat are retold. Allegedly, they not only kill vitamins, but also provoke cancer. Let's see how the microwave oven is actually arranged. But first of all, we find out what temperature and how many degrees in its inner chamber.

The temperature myth

Hot food in a cold bowl

A microwave is not an ordinary oven. She warms up food in minutes. This ability formed the basis of an incorrect assessment of its capabilities. Some people are convinced that a very high temperature makes the food hot.

But this is not quite so. To verify this, you need to remember about the dishes in the microwave. Glass or plastic containers in most cases do not heat up. But if there was a very high temperature inside the microwave chamber, the tanks would also heat up. Consequently, no conditions are created for this inside the furnace.

Why do foods heat up

For this are used microwave waves (abbreviated as microwave). In properties, they are similar to radio waves. Their source in the microwave is magnetron. The device is a vacuum tube with compartments at two ends. Strong magnets are attached to them. When you turn on the device receives a high voltage. Under the influence of magnets, electrons (particles forming an electric current) begin to walk in a circle at great speed. This causes strong radiation.

For the first time this phenomenon was noticed by the engineer working on the radar, Percy Spencer. According to one legend, while working in 1942, chocolate melted in his pocket. But on the other, he got burned, and later they hid it, so as not to spoil the opinion of buyers. Already in 1946, the American received a patent for the invention. After that, the first serial bulky devices began to appear.

The maximum temperature in the microwave

Electromagnetic waves pass through food and cause molecules to vibrate faster, which leads to heat.

Water particles are heated in the products. From the school course of physics and chemistry, we remember its boiling point. Therefore, the maximum temperature that occurs in the microwave is 100 ℃.

Different substances, when exposed to waves, react differently. So ceramic and glassware for microwave ovens is impermeable, but the iron container can seriously heat up.

Reference. If an incandescent bulb enters the stove, it will light up because the temperature of the tungsten coil will rise to 2000 ℃.

The relationship between temperature and microwave operation

Microwaves have a tremendous frequency, but a small length - about 6.5 cm. This means that the food will warm unevenly. Where there was a peak, it is hotter. When using household appliances, many have encountered this.

The creators of the unit took care of the different functions of the microwave. Each mode specified by the program requires a different degree of radiation. Its intensity is affected by the temperature that food acquires.

Reference. By temperature, cooking in a microwave oven is equated to cooking (100-110 °).

Most household microwave ovens have a power of about one kW. In practice, this means that you boil a glass of water in a minute at the maximum rate.

Modes of operation of the furnace regulate precisely the percentage of the highest data. I.e you can change the speed of your device, but not the temperature. This is the main difference from the oven. It should be considered if you are cooking in the microwave.

You should be aware that the microwave magnetron does not work continuously, but intermittently for several seconds to prevent overload and failure. The magnetron itself is equipped with metal plates for cooling.

There are ovens with grill and convection functions. Such devices are called a hybrid microwave and oven. This is because these microwaves have a traditional heating element or hot air. The presence of such an element allows us to talk about a temperature that is above 100 ℃.

Tips for choosing a temperature mode

  • Most powerful level Suitable for the largest products. As a rule, these are drinks or liquid dishes. At 100° warm milk / water / soup, boil porridge.
  • Above average power is about 75% from the maximum. 75 ° are ideal for small and medium density dishes. It can be scrambled eggs, cream cheese. In addition, such a warm-up will make small cutlets or a cupcake in a mug.
  • Average power - half of the highest. 50 ° are suitable for heating ready-made meals. They are also used in recipes where you do not need to maintain a constant boil. Ideal for baking meat.
  • Below average, 25% (up to 25 °) of maximum power. The mode for defrosting food or ready meals. It is used to bring butter to room temperature, unfreeze berries / vegetables / meat.
  • Lowest power level (below 25 °) can be useful for maintaining the state of ready-made dishes, products. It is on it that you can dry herbs and finely chopped fruits.

A microwave oven is one of the favorite household appliances of any housewife. It allows you to heat the finished food. This makes it possible to stock up for future use or to buy semi-finished products, which makes our life easier.

Watch the video: How To Pre-heat A Convection Microwave. Oven Series. Cakes And More (April 2024).

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