How to charge ps4 joystick

The newest joystick for the game console is called DualShock 4. The gamepad has received full improvement. Added new features, improved management and battery, and with it, and expanded the possibilities of charging the gamepad. In this article we will describe in detail how to conduct this process correctly.

How to properly charge the gamepad

If you follow the rules below to properly charge the joystick, it will help to significantly extend its service life and preserve all the characteristics of the capacity and the ability to hold the battery for a long time:

  1. Do not allow the battery to run out completely. Lithium-ion batteries have no memory functions. That is why they need to put on charge. It is no secret that any battery has limitations associated with the cycles of such a process. To significantly increase their number, you need to put the gamepad to charge until it is completely discharged. As soon as you see that 15% is left you can safely put the joystick to charge.
  2. Several times a month, the joystick should be fully charged. If the joystick is in such a state for a long period of time, then it will also harm the battery. Discharge the battery completely several times a month. Charge at least 10 hours.
  3. Follow all existing storage rules. If you do not use the gamepad and do not plan, then be sure to make sure that its battery is 40% charged. If you keep the joystick with a charged battery for a long time, it will affect capacity reduction. And prolonged storage in a discharged state will affect the loss of ability to hold the battery or even disable it.
  4. If the original device is lost, then do not buy cheap Chinese fakes. You need to charge the gamepad only with the original device. Chinese models of poor quality, and their numerical indicators do not correspond to reality. Using fake devices can damage a battery.
  5. Do not overheat. Do not leave the battery in the sun or near a heat source.

As soon as you realize that the device is village, you need to take the following steps:

  • Look at how many percent the joystick is charged. You can do this by holding the PS button.
  • At the top in the corner of the screen you will see a notification. Then you will have about 30 minutes to put the joystick to charge. After this time, the gamepad is discharged to zero.

Pay attention to the following methods to charge the gamepad:

  • With the use of a charging station (this method is rarely used, since not everyone can afford a charging station).
  • From the console (the most common and simple method).
  • From a laptop or computer.
  • Using charging from the outlet.

Charging the joystick: step by step

In order to charge the joystick from the ps4 console, they often use a USB cable or a charger. The joystick is quite an expensive device and it will be unpleasant if it breaks down due to the fact that you incorrectly charge it. We will tell you about the most difficult ways to charge the joystick.

From console

Charge the joystick from the console, you can even during the game. You can also put on charge in sleep mode. This option is very convenient and easy.

Below we describe how to charge the joystick from the console in standby mode:

  1. Take care of connecting the gamepad to the console. Use USB cable.
  2. Click on the menu, there select "settings."
  3. Then click on "select features available in standby mode".
  4. There, select the item that will allow you to charge the gamepad using a USB-wire. This must be done, otherwise the gameplay just does not turn out to put on charge.
  5. Then put the console on standby. You just need to go higher and select the appropriate item there.

From the outlet

Some are not at all sure that this way you can charge the device. However, it is possible. To do this, use the charge cell. You will need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Please note that the output current should be no more than 0.8A. Otherwise, the gamepad will simply be disabled.
  • Perform the process with a USB cable from the device itself. Do not use the wire that came with your smartphone.

Important! Also note that the device must be of high quality. Otherwise, the joystick will be disabled for you.

There is no consensus that it is allowed to charge the joystick from the outlet. Everything will depend on the device itself and the USB cable. However, we strongly do not recommend drawing with our gamepad. It is best to carry out the process with a quality cable or if you are 100% sure that the device will fit it. The ps4 gamepad is quite an expensive device and requires proper handling.

Watch the video: How to charge your PS4 Controller WITHOUT Burning it out. (May 2024).

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